Bermuda Conspiracy Read online

Page 25

  Decker stood silently. His mind tried to grasp the enormity of the situation. Briefly, he felt like they were living out a James Bond action movie, but as he looked up into Gordon’s solemn face, reality became all too present. Decker shook his head, releasing a long, withdrawn sigh.

  “No, it would be unconscionable to let them succeed,” said Dean, suddenly realizing that this mission would by far exceed anything he had ever been assigned to do. In fact, taking this mission on could be his last.

  “What about these two goons?” Decker asked, flipping his head in the direction of Martin and James, who to this point had not spoken a word.

  “They were merely monitoring you,” explained Gordon. “They had nothing to do with the murders. As we kept tabs on you, it grew apparent you were the next target and when you were framed for the murder of Paul Cummings, I ordered them to bring you back here to Miami in order to put you under protective cover. How could I know you had inside help in New Orleans?”

  Decker looked stunned. All this time, he’d been running from these two men assuming their intention was to murder him, or at the very least, lock him behind bars for a murder he didn’t commit. Now he comes to find out they were only trying to keep him alive.

  “What a paradox!” Decker said almost as if to himself.

  “When you slipped us multiple times, I realized you had intensive training. I did a background check on you and decided I could use your combat skills. That’s why the offer. You and Dean are highly qualified. I need a few men and women like you, who have the ability to bring down this Russian shadow team before more men and women are killed. The stakes are high. However, it’s up to you. If you agree to my terms, you both walk out free men, along with your crew. If not…”

  Decker’s thoughts went to Callie and the others waiting outside the room. What other option did he have? “I’m still free to do archaeology and live a normal life except for these occasional complex operations you’re referring to?”

  “Only when it’s urgent, like now,” Gordon said. “It’s imperative I send you to our training facility. You will work side by side with a hand-selected group. I won’t rest until those responsible for these senseless killings are brought to justice. I must forewarn you. The training is grueling. It will challenge every aspect of your physical body. This job is not for the faint-hearted. It calls for a cold-blooded, unmerciful frame of mind. It will not come without cost.”

  As Decker mulled over what Gordon proposed, he found it difficult to take it all in. He had already resigned himself to the fact he would spend the rest of his life in prison. Yet, how could he close a door that had swung wide open? He’d be foolish not to accept the terms. However, Gordon made it clear, this would test his resolve. He would also have to find a way to break the news to Callie and could only imagine what her reaction would be.

  Taking a deep breath, Decker said. “You have a deal.”

  Gordon turned to Dean whose face had remained expressionless and waited for his response, though there seemed little doubt what his answer would be.

  “You hold the cards. When would we start?”

  “Soon as I send off a memo to notify the rest of your new team. There’ll be a short training session at which time I will fill you in on the course of actions. No one outside of this room can know you’re working for me. If you’re caught, you’re on your own. You will be disavowed.”

  They both nodded understanding the depth of what they were about to undertake.

  “One more thing,” Gordon said. “I expect the file you confiscated to stay secure, Decker. It’s a matter of national security. It’s bigger than you, Decker.”

  “Unless someone decides to off me or the people around me, the files will remain sealed.”

  “You’re both free to go. I’ll call and make all the arrangements. And Decker, those men are still out there. Your life still could be in grave danger. The files you have secured will probably protect you for a short while. However, you’re dealing with assassins. If your team is unable to eradicate them, one day when the dust has settled and no one would think anything of it, you’ll be found floating face down in some river. Of course, it will be staged to look like an accident. Nevertheless, they will come after you and anyone else who has any information that would expose their testing facility.”

  “Appreciate the second chance,” Decker said. “I want to see justice done myself.”

  “Good,” said Gordon shaking their hands. “Welcome to the team. And Dean, I want you to head it up. You are the most qualified. I’d like to meet with you personally through this week to go over the logistics and give you the coordinates of where you’ll be training.”

  Dean looked somewhat surprised. “What happens with the special ops team I’ve been commanding?”

  “Sorry. I can’t place you back over Special Op forces due to the fact you’re considered a traitor after your act of aggression. Can’t be helped. You have served loyally. But surely you knew the repercussions when you joined up with Decker.”

  The muscle in Dean’s neck jerked convulsively and his teeth were grit so tight his jaw ached. But he knew Gordon was right, he could not go back. One thing he knew for certain, people were replaceable. There was another Dean McDermott out there somewhere just like him, champing at the bit to jump into his command role. For now, he would have to settle for a new team and a new objective. He only hoped he would be able to bring out all of them alive.

  “Before I go,” said Decker, turning his attention on the two men seated across the room from him. “I need to say thank you for watching my back.”

  They stood, strode over to him and shook his hand.

  “All in a day’s work,” said Martin with a sly smile. “And let me say, I’ve never found it so difficult to protect someone in my entire career. Guess some of it is because of the staunch crew you have on the Jade II.”

  “They’re a loyal bunch,” agreed Decker.

  Decker and Dean turned to leave the room, overwhelmed by the unexpected outcome. Stepping into the other room they found Dax, Callie, Ryn, and Karina waiting patiently to hear what fate awaited them. They rushed to their feet, eyes wide with anticipation.

  “Well?” Callie said, her heart pounding. “Where do we go from here?”

  “We’re free to leave,” Decker said.

  Dax looked baffled. After all, they’d just invaded a naval facility, tied up a couple of officers and took pot-shots at them, even took top-secret documents. “Don’t think I’m tracking with you, mate.”

  Decker shrugged. “Long story. Can’t discuss all the details at the moment. I’ll fill you both in as we head back to Shark Eater. I’ll have to contact Carson and fill him in as well. I’m sure they’re all waiting on pins and needles to find out what the status is.”

  In the back of his mind, Decker was going to have to devise some sort of explanation as to how they managed to get a free ride. Gordon was adamant they were not to divulge their mission to anyone.

  “I know they’ll be relieved,” Callie said, giving him a big hug. “Carson has called three times already as did Polly.”

  “I know I’m relieved. Thought maybe we’d all have new wardrobes in black and white stripes,” Karina said.

  “Just so you know, Kat,” Decker said. “You did an amazing job. You are an asset to the team. Thanks.”

  She smiled. “I’m getting kind of use to these dangerous games since coming on board Shark Eater.” She passed a side-glance at Dax.

  They laughed. At the same time, they knew Karina was not joking. She had been involved in several life-threatening situations since she’d joined up with Dax. She wondered if this would be the end of such dangerous encounters, giving her the chance to return to her profession as a scientist. Quickly as it entered her mind, she knew it would not be the end.


  New Orleans one week later

  Decker, Callie, and Dax walked down the sidewalk and up the steps. Decker knocked soundly on the door. When it
opened, they were face to face with Detective Brock, a wide smile on his face.

  “Glad to see you,” he welcomed. “And this must be Mrs. Hayden?”

  “Callie, and glad to meet you,” she said. “I’ve heard a lot about you.”

  “Nothing good, I’m sure,” Brock chuckled.

  “All good, I assure you.”

  “I’m pretty taken aback you managed to slip through the fingers of the CIA,” Brock said.

  “Not without a lot of help from friends,” Decker replied, knowing at the same time it wasn’t the CIA who had been after him at all, and yet, he couldn’t let on to who the true culprits were. Also, he’d never want to put Brock and his family in danger.

  As if on cue, Kari came out of the kitchen, a tray of food in her hands. She smiled warmly. “Decker, so good to see you again,” she said. “And you must be Callie?” Kari set the tray down on the table and walked across the room with an outstretched hand.

  “Glad to make your acquaintance,” Callie said. “Decker told me how you and Raymond Brodsky helped him out. You can’t know how much I appreciate it.”

  “You can tell him yourself when he arrives,” Kari said. “And, my pleasure. My dad never steps over the line, so when he did for Decker, I knew he had to be innocent.”

  Kari’s eyes caught sight of an attractive, dark-haired man standing close by and a smile touched her lips. She turned to face him, her cheeks were a bit flushed.

  “Dax Drake,” he introduced, leaning slightly forward to shake Kari’s hand.

  “Nice to meet you,” she said. “I heard you were invaluable to my father.”

  “Likewise. He’s an extraordinary man. None of us could have gotten through this ordeal without his help.”

  A knock sounded at the door and Brodsky poked his head inside. “Sorry, I’m late. New Orleans traffic. Good to see all of you.”

  “Drinks are on the table,” Kari said, handing each of them a goblet.

  “Well, now,” Brock said. “I promised a meal when everything came to a finale. I think we have lots to celebrate and be thankful for.”

  “Here, here,” Callie said.

  “Cheers!” said Decker, raising his glass and the others followed suit, the tinkling of crystal ringing through the room as they toasted to their victory.

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  I am also in the process of completing my novel India Dymond in Order of Nine and Bone Quarry. I hope to have both out by the end of 2019.

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  About K.D. McNiven

  I have always aspired to write since high school as well as entertain the idea of becoming an archaeologist or a marine biologist but never followed through. It only made sense when I began writing novels to incorporate those latent desires into my writing, which you will see when you read my books, The Monkey Idol, a Decker and Callie Adventure book one, followed by Shark Eater, book two, and recently published Sheba's Treasure, A Sam Carter Adventure. All three are action/adventure thrillers and they reflect the dreams I've carried with me for years. I am hopeful reading through the pages of these books will bring pleasure into the lives of others by living out these exciting adventures in exotic locales.